Full Spectrum Personal Training is all about comprehensiveness and balance. A full spectrum personal trainer will be able to help you best by addressing all three basic aspects of your human self. You can think of these aspects as Fitness, Energy, Food or Exercise, Diet, Emotion etc. The fitness and food categories are relatively straightforward, but the energy component can mean the difference between your success or failure.
Most personal training clients are seeking a personal trainer that can help them with weight loss (fat loss) and strength building, and lesser few are looking for help with the less common fitness goals such as growth, flexibility and mobility. The news flash is that everyone is looking for help with all fitness goals in varying degrees, they just don’t know it yet.
The good news is that most personal trainers can help their clients with this first most basic aspect of the human self, fitness. The bad news is that most of these personal trainers are limited to basic fitness guidance and struggle with helping clients who have been injured or are no longer in their twenties. Even fewer are able to help clients reverse pain and safeguard against reinjury.
When it comes to weight loss goals, you’re even luckier to find a personal trainer who either has a good understanding of nutrition or at the very least can show you how to eat properly for weight loss (fat loss). If you find a personal trainer who can help you with both health and weight loss, then consider yourself a lottery winner!
The last level is of course the rarest, and will someday, I hope, become the norm. Enter the Full Spectrum Personal Trainer or Wellness Coach. This is someone who has a full understanding of human anatomy and physiology, all aspects of fitness, weight loss and health, and the human energy fields. These fields comprise the dense and etheric physical, mental, emotional and spiritual (vital life force, insight, intuition) aspects of our being.
Why is this so important? A great personal trainer can dish out the best possible exercise and eating guidance for a client’s weight loss and fitness goals only to watch it bounce off their face (mind/heart) and land on the floor. Sometimes, the foundation of a person’s success lies in the building and rebuilding of their inner self. Only then can they be truly ready for more concrete advice that will transform their physical body.
For the most part, we are all seeking joy or happiness in some form. When I meet with new clients, I often hear a similar tale of how they need help changing the size and/or shape of their body, so they won’t feel miserable anymore. What they don’t yet realize is that there’s a whole lot more that needs changing, and they’ve come to the right place.
If heart-centered full spectrum personal training sounds like something you might be interested in, then it IS something you’re interested in! Please don’t hesitate to reach out for a consultation where you can learn much more about this special service.
Thanks for reading and I hope to see you soon. 😊