The Supplement List: Recommendations for Health and Fitness

These are products and companies I’ve personally used for over 15 years because I trust them and align with their scientific and ethical philosophies. Please note that there are no specific supplements that directly contribute to weight loss, fat loss or muscle tissue growth. For a complete understanding on these topics please set up a personal training or weight loss consultation.

Protein Powders: Use Code ‘JAY10’ for 10% off
Swiig by Performance Food Centers

Chocolate Low Carb Whey Protein Isolate

Vanilla Low Carb Whey Protein Isolate

Plant Based Proteins

Creatine Monohydrate:
Nutricost Performance

NOW Sports Nutrition

Vitamins and Minerals:

Healthy Body Brain and Heart Pack – Original


Apple Cider Vinegar



Digestive Enzymes

Daily Vitamins

Essential Fatty Acids – EFA’s


BCAA’s – Branch Chain Amino Acids
